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Tim Maher| NMLS# 223143
Business Development - Loan Officer

Vacation Safety Tips for Your Home

Vacation Safety Tips for Your Home

A home is broken into every 15 seconds in the United States, with most burglaries occurring between June and August, according to the FBI. 


Summer is peak travel season, so whether you’re taking a weekend trip or a longer getaway, take the time to vacation-proof your home before you depart. 


How to Protect Your Home Against Theft While You're Traveling


Refrain from mentioning your upcoming trip on social media or in public. It’s best to share memories and photos once you’ve returned home. 


Take photos of any valuables in your home.


Stop the newspaper and mail, or ask a trusted neighbor to pick them up.


Park your car inside your garage, if possible.


Put at least one light on a timer.


Arrange for your lawn to stay trimmed.


Additional Home Safety Tips to Consider


Test your smoke alarms to ensure they are functional and don’t need a battery replacement. 


Consider unplugging small appliances, your TV, and other electronics, to help protect against power surges. 


Set your thermostat to help lower your heat or air conditioning usage while you’re away. 


Protect your pipes by ensuring they have proper insulation. In cold weather, allow your faucets to drip slowly while you’re away to help prevent freezing. 

Put away any potential wind-borne objects, such as patio furniture, grills, or trash cans.


Closing Thoughts


Don’t let the anticipation of a well-deserved vacation stop you from protecting your home. 


A “better safe than sorry” philosophy is always best when it comes to home safety, so a little extra vigilance will help keep your property and belongings safe while you’re away.